Is Your Organization a Member of Sourcewell?

Government, education, & non-profit entities can see huge benefits from this free resource.


Sourcewell is a cooperative procurement agency that saves its participating agencies (its members) time and money by offering ready-to-go, competitively solicited contracts.

The Benefits of Sourcewell’s Cooperative Procurement

There always comes a time where government agencies and the like must replace equipment. In our industry, this would include fleet vehicles, fuel tanks, and fuel management systems. These items can be costly, and the process of procurement, especially if the agency has to go to bid, can take a serious commitment of time (staff hours, etc.) The bid procurement process usually requires receiving 3 bids and includes pre-bid conference calls, site walk throughs, developing the requirements and fulfillment matrix then the bid reviews, and often there are more than the minimum of 3 to go through.  There is, however, an alternative. Cooperative procurement can offer a far more effective and time-friendly approach to purchasing equipment, saving not only time but also guaranteeing a more cost effective result.

Cooperative procurement allows government agencies to purchase equipment under another government entity's contract. Sourcewell (, established by the State of Minnesota, has established such a contract and have opened that up for agencies all around the nation to take advantage of the pre-negotiated lower costs for equipment and software. Sourcewell has also established business practice requirements, ensuring the vetting of suppliers has been done, again giving the purchasing agency even more confidence in the cooperative procurement approach.

With Sourcewell, you can skip the bid process and secure the best pricing. As a Sourcewell participating agency, government agencies are able to skip the bid process, letting Sourcewell’s already established negotiations save time and provide the best value to taxpayers.


Reach out to our sales team at 609-683-4242 or and we will assist you with the proper configuration and pricing for your project.

Warren Williams